Savvy Brands Partner

Savvy Brands partner

Post_SavvyBrandsBE A SAVVY BRAND PARTNER! Do you have a product you’d love to share with a very Savvy community? Is it fabulous, stylish, and functional? Does it solve problems big and small? If so, they want to hear from you!

  1. Email  your submission
    Include product images, description, price point and sample video footage or other marketing materials on your product.
  2. Send a sample to: Savvy Brands Partner
    Attention Michele
    21520 Yorba Linda Blvd. Suite #G434  Yorba Linda, CA 92887

All product submissions are reviewed and tested by their product team. When they find a product they love, they love it so much we can’t wait to share! They hope to be sharing your product too! Please note: we are unable to return samples without proper paperwork; should you require the sample be returned, please arrange for pickup.

Contact: Michele
21520 Yorba Linda Blvd. Suite #G434
Yorba Linda, CA 92887


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